We are a collective of Latin American poets, intellectuals and cultural producers. We believe in public culture and seek to build spaces to explore the power of poetry and its ways of manifesting and affecting us. We collaborate with allied artists from around the world who work with these same potencies and want to continue exploring them. We seek to become a hemispheric network of support and creation.
We believe in the power of encounter and collective creation as engines to transform the individualistic economic models that make our craft invisible and precarious.
We know that poetry has the capacity to move us to think and create critically. In order to make it freely and easily accessible to all, we publish texts with Creative Commons licenses in our press Como un lugar, based in Argentina.
We also organize Poetry Festivals (Fiestas), spaces in which guest poets and musicians share their work in unconventional places. These events are free to the public, in which we seek to economically recognize the work of the artists. So far we have done three editions: two in New York and one in Buenos Aires. To support the Poetry Festivals fund, go to How to Contribute.
We know that in order to create and materialize our projects we need spaces for creation, concentration and exchange of ideas, knowledge, practices and knowledge. For this reason, we are designing a program of nomadic residencies, in different places in Latin America, for writers and artists from different disciplines who want to work with the power of poetry.
We are also working on the creation of a writing school. We are especially interested in performative and undisciplined projects that generate an exchange with the community.
Matías Mendez
Was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1997. He studied Film Directing in the Department of Visual Arts at the University Universidad Nacional de las Artes, in Argentina. His book La lucidez was published in 2021 by Hexágono Editoras.
Eliana Hernández
Is a writer and cultural producer born in Bogotá (Colombia) and based in NYC. Her book La mata was published in Colombia where it won the National Award of Poetry in 2021. Her poems have been published also in Mexico, Germany and the United States. She has an MFA in Creative Writing in Spanish from New York University, and has a PhD in Hispanic Literature from Cornell University.
Ezequiel Zaidenwerg
Is an Argentinian poet, translator, professor and producer. He holds an MFA in Creative Writing in Spanish and a PhD in Spanish and Portuguese from NYU. He has published five collections of poems –one of which, Lyric Poetry Is Dead, was released in the US in 2018 by Cardboard House Press– and a novel. He translates a poem a day from English into Spanish at zaidenwerg.com, a blog he started in 2005. He lives in Brooklyn, NY.
Fátima Vélez
Is a writer, professor, PhD candidate, and cultural producer from Manizales (Colombia). She holds an MFA in Creative Writing in Spanish from NYU. She has published the collection of poems Casa Paterna, Del Porno y las babosas, Diseño de Interiores, and the novel Galápagos. She co-created the artist residency Residencia en la tierra in the coffee region of Colombia. She curated and produced the Latin- American poetry series in ID Studio Theater, in the South Bronx, New York. She lives in Sunnyside, Queens.
Was born in Entre Ríos, Argentina, in 1979. She studied Literature in Santa Fe University. His first book, Ley de conservación, was published in 2019 by Gog and Magog (Argentina) and will be published in its English translation by Deep Vellum (2023).
Carlos Andrés Baquero-Díaz
Is a Colombian human rights advocate and community organizer. Currently, he is a JSD student at NYU Law School. Carlos, as a community organizer, has experience working with social movements on developing political and legal strategies to implement their strategies to protect their lives and territories. Carlos lives in Ridgewood, Queens.
If you want to collaborate and become a friend of this project you can support us in the following ways:
If you have a place where we can make a residency like the one we propose, write us to colectivocomounlugar@gmail.com
Do you want to support poets to complete their projects? You can make donations that will be converted into scholarships for the residencies and/or for the school of poets.